Yes, it's the first post of the new year! Of course, I'm going to address resolutions. But not the way you may be thinking. I don't like declaring a string of actions that seem improbable. I don't know about you, but I have enough challenges to manage.
Focus. For the last few years, after a lifetime of failing all of my resolutions famously, I decided to look for a focus for the year. Just something with softer edges--more flexible, more forgiving.
This year I'm giving myself an F! That's right, an F, but not for failure. I'm focusing on FRIENDS, FAMILY, FUN & FIBER. Why fiber, because a health challenge appeared last year--high-ish blood sugar. One of the best ways to rapidly amend this issue is to add more movement to my life and to increase the fiber quotient in my diet. More on fiber in future posts, but look at this plate of nutrition! Polyphenols galore and fiber in the mix (fennel, onion, broccoli, radicchio, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, yellow squash, lemon juice, olive oil...and a few skin-on potatoes). What a great way to balance the excess of holiday eating! With a plate of nutritional excess!
Nutritional Excess! |
The harsh new year's beginning. The words below are strict. They're good words, but I don't want to use them throughout my new year. They seem harsh, unforgiving, line-in-the-sand kind of words...well, just too concrete.
New Year's Resolution Synonyms |
Friendly and forgiving--I can roll with that.
New Year's Focus |
How am I doing? Four weeks into the new year, and I've accomplished all of my F-words! Give me an A-plus for getting on with my F-actions!
Finale! Before I go, would you like a recipe for the nutritional goodness in the photo at the top? As you may know from previous posts, I follow the Greek Way with eating. It's all about balance. Nothing is forbidden except for processed foods and added sugar, and even those are allowed as a treat. You know what a treat is, right? Something you have no more than six times a year. Well, that's my definition. Wink. The typical Greek take-it-easy meal is boiled greens with lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil. Depending on what's available seasonally, green onion, potatoes and zucchini may be added, at least in the Pelopponese region of Greece where my people and I are from. In my own home, I vary this to include all kinds of vegetables.

The recipe is to gather, wash and prep (peel, dice, cut, quarter, etc.) all kinds of vegetables. For me, typically, it's turnip greens or red Swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, quartered fennel, golden or red beets, green beans, quartered onions (any kind), carrots, yellow squash and radicchio (added at the very end because it cooks so quickly). You can also use potatoes and red cabbage. Experiment with a mix that suits you. I've even tossed in arugula and herbs that needed to be used up!
Bring a big pot of water to boiling and stir in a generous amount of salt (I use grey Celtic). Be generous. Remember, it's got to season all of your vegetables. Once the water boils again, add the greens. When they're done, remove them to a large platter or shallow bowl with a slotted spoon. Repeat this with all of the vegetables, one by one, saving broccoli until the end or it will make your white vegetables green. Keep the red vegetables to cook last--they'll make your potatoes, cauliflower and white cabbage pink, although that might be fun! Once you've cooked everything, pour a small amount of the cooking water over everything.
I call this a Greek Boiled Vegetable Salad. Eat it hot, cold out of the refrigerator or at room temperature. Dress with generous amounts of fresh lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil. Serve with Greek olives, good Feta chees (made from sheep or sheep & goat milk) and bread for sopping up all of the dressing.
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